Tinnitus Claim Compensation: Are You Eligible?


Ringing, buzzing, hissing, humming, and similar kinds of noises have become a norm recently. People who hear this sort of noise quickly realise that it’s not real. In fact, the reason they have been listening to these noises is strictly medical. The medical condition is known as Tinnitus and you might not know that there […]

How to get compensated for industrial deafness claim

industrial deafness claim

Across the country, there are tons of workplaces that by nature support loud noises that are not healthy for their employees. This leads thousands of employees every year to apply for an industrial deafness claim. Now the extreme noise conditions are criminal for our ears and while it might not have an immediate effect on […]

Is Noise Induced Hearing Loss a Disability

Is Deafness a Disability

Is deafness a disability? Is deafness a disability? You can never imagine that effortlessly working in a noisy workplace could affect your hearing. For some people, it even leads to permanent deafness when they continue to work in the same environment for months. So when noise-induced hearing loss victims see the variety of claims online […]

How to know if you are Eligible for Industrial Deafness Claims

industrial deafness claims

Our ears have a standard way of receiving outside noises. If the frequency of the noise is louder than what it can take, there is a chance we might start to experience deafness. Industrial deafness claims are a beneficial route for anyone experiencing hearing loss. The common places where we are exposed to high-frequency noise […]

Everything You Need to Know About Conductive Hearing Loss

conductive hearing loss

In an ear, there are three portions where sound travels. And if there is some sort of blockage that restricts the sound from moving between the outer, middle, and inner ear, then it gets difficult or impossible for us to hear the noise. This medical situation is called conductive hearing loss. What is conductive hearing […]

Everything to know about Acoustic Shock: Symptoms, Treatment

acoustic shock

What is Acoustic Shock? An acoustic shock is a medical term used when someone hears a high-pitched sound that brings damage to their eardrum and because of the damage, they experience hearing loss. An acoustic shock injury is quite traumatising for those who have experienced its effects. While acoustic shock disorder is most common in […]

Compensation Overview for Hearing Loss Claims

hearing loss claims

Factories have some of the most extreme working environments that you can expect. The employees are asked to work in extremely noisy areas on top of the long shifts. And these situations start to have a drastic impact on your hearing. Fortunately, we have a claim called ‘hearing loss claims’ that can be applied to […]