Everything You Need to Know About Conductive Hearing Loss

In an ear, there are three portions where sound travels. And if there is some sort of blockage that restricts the sound from moving between the outer, middle, and inner ear, then it gets difficult or impossible for us to hear the noise. This medical situation is called conductive hearing loss.

What is conductive hearing loss?

Conductive hearing trauma occurs when the sound fails to travel from the outer to the middle ear. This weird condition can be caused because of a blockage between the two parts of the ear, and it is beneficial for someone suffering from hearing loss to be diagnosed and treated the moment they start experiencing the symptoms.

That is exactly what we will be covering in this article. The causes, symptoms, and treatment of conductive hearing disorder, so that you can make a well-informed decision.

What causes conductive hearing loss

There are numerous reasons for conductive hearing disorder and the most common ones are as follows,

  • Ear infection
  • Earwax blockage
  • Fluid in the middle ear
  • Hole in the eardrum
  • Ear canal infection
  • Outer ear blockage
  • Middle ear blockage
  • Deformation in the outer ear

Symptoms of conductive hearing loss

When symptoms of conductive noise induced loss first appear, your experience might differ from what others go through as it is based on what caused the conductive hear disorder in the first place.

Some of it’s most common symptoms are,

  • Sudden loss of hearing
  • Gradual loss of hearing
  • Muffled hearing
  • Pain in the ear
  • Heaviness in the ear
  • The ear feels full etc

Conductive hearing loss treatment

We suggest that you get yourself checked by an ENT specialist if you are experiencing conductive hearing trauma. 

The ENT specialist will run a few tests like an audiogram which will tell them the type of hearing loss you are suffering. Moreover, once everything is crystal clear to the specialist, they will recommend a few tests like CT and MRI. The practitioner will then recommend you a treatment based on the results of the test. 

They can either recommend a hearing aid to help you with your listening or surgery if the hearing loss is more severe.

Conductive hearing loss vs sensorineural hearing loss

As you already know how conductive hearing disorder operates (blocks the sound waves), a sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the hair cells located in the inner ear get damaged because of a sudden or repeated exposure to loud noises.

Is conductive hearing loss a disability

Hearing loss is a disability as it restricts your ability at work, in public, and at home. A conductive hearing trauma is one of the different types of hearing loss and is classified as a disability.

How long does conductive hearing trauma last

If you have temporary conductive hearing trauma meaning that blockage in your ear can be cleared with just minimal treatment, then it could be days before you get your hearing back. However, if the symptoms and medical diagnosis are more severe, it could take you weeks if not months to start hearing the way you used to hear. But remember to always treat your hearing loss as soon as possible as delays could lead to permanent hearing damage.

If there are still some questions you need us to answer, hop on a call and our expert 24/7 support at Sonic Settlement will answer your questions.