Is Noise Induced Hearing Loss a Disability

Is deafness a disability?

Is deafness a disability? You can never imagine that effortlessly working in a noisy workplace could affect your hearing. For some people, it even leads to permanent deafness when they continue to work in the same environment for months.

So when noise-induced hearing loss victims see the variety of claims online where individuals get rewarded for other people’s negligence. But, they disregard it as they believe what happened to them was their fault. They also believe that it is natural and their hearing loss is not a disability.

Well, today we will inform you that what happened to your hearing was due to somebody else’s negligence. Also, why deafness or occupational hearing loss is a disability and should be claimed for.

Is single-sided deafness a disability uk?

We get a lot of questions surrounding hearing loss being a disability. And among those, ‘Is deafness in one ear a disability?’ or ‘is single sided deafness a disability’ continues to be amongst the most popular ones. 

Of course, your ear whether one or both is a vital organ of your body. It helps you with tons of daily tasks outside, at work, and home. If you have hearing loss in one of your ears then for sure, it is a disability. Because, it restricts you from performing your job properly. It even troubles a person when they are driving, crossing a road, or listening to someone from far away.

Today in the UK, government institutes offer additional pensions to retired workers. Especially those who have single-sided deafness, not to add different perks and special benefits.

And when it comes to claiming compensation for single-sided deafness, the victims are awarded for whatever trouble they have faced due to their disability.

Is partial deafness a disability?

Any form of hearing loss is considered a disability and can be compensated if it affects your life. The same goes for partial deafness, which is a deafness that restricts the ability of a person to hear most noises. And in most cases, the victim can only hear very few sounds.

This makes it criminally difficult for someone whose work relies on meeting with clients or a lot of talking and listening.

Partial deafness requires proper attention and cure as it is a disability. The victim can apply and receive partial deafness compensation.

Is profound deafness a disability?

Profound deafness is a type of hearing loss where the person can hear very little sound and sometimes can’t hear no sound at all. People suffering from profound hearing loss have difficulty listening to normal conversation. They usually turn on the television and music volume to the maximum. Because their ears are accustomed to listening to very loud music.

Profound deafness is treated as a disability and the victims can apply for compensation if their profound deafness was the result of negligence from a third party.

Do you get compensated for deafness?

If your hearing loss or deafness was caused by the acts or negligence of another individual or an organisation then your deafness can be compensated. All you need is a legal expert to inform you of the ins and outs of your case after assessing your loss, difficulties, and the severity of your hearing.

So, is deafness a disability?

We hope that now, you might have a clear understanding of the query ‘is hearing loss a disability‘.

So what is the type of hearing loss disability that has been affecting your life? Is it an occupational hearing loss, single-sided deafness, partial deafness, or profound deafness in one ear or both, whatever hearing disability you are experiencing, Sonic Settlement is offering a no-cost consultation session to guide you through everything related to your noise-induced hearing loss claim.