How to know if you are Eligible for Industrial Deafness Claims

Our ears have a standard way of receiving outside noises. If the frequency of the noise is louder than what it can take, there is a chance we might start to experience deafness. Industrial deafness claims are a beneficial route for anyone experiencing hearing loss.

The common places where we are exposed to high-frequency noise are factories, industries, and certain types of machinery. Even though some employers install safety tools to protect their employees, many do not. 

If you had the latter type of employer who failed to their team from loud noise frequency while working then it is within your right to claim.

Industrial deafness claims are the legal procedure you go through to receive compensation in this scenario.

Evidence for Industrial Deafness Claims

The first thing a judge wants to see when you apply for a claim is the evidence that supports your hearing loss claim. The legal industrial deafness claims solicitors you have hired will collect valid evidence that proves the negligence of your employer.

Your solicitor will guide you on what qualifies as hearing loss evidence and what does not. So what evidence is important when preparing an industrial deafness claim?

  • Your medical reports that highlight the condition of your hearing are considered the most important piece of evidence.
  • Your employment history also stands out amongst the evidence as it proves that during the time your hearing was affected, you worked for this specific employer.
  • Colleagues that you previously worked with in the same compound can also share their experiences which strengthens your evidence even more.

If you have the above evidence in the shape of reports then you have a strong case on your hand.

Eligibility for Industrial Deafness Claims

You are eligible,

  • If the employer was negligent in placing the right protection to restrict the loud noise frequency in the working environment.
  • Because of the lack of safety, your ears were exposed to extreme levels of frequency which led to temporary or permanent hearing loss.
  • You started to feel or diagnose your hearing loss in the last 3 years.

These are the general industrial deafness claims criteria that qualify you to proceed with the application process. A legal expert can guide you in terms of how to structure a case.

When to Start Your Industrial Deafness Compensation Claims

Ideally, you should consider an industrial deafness claim the moment your hearing loss is medically diagnosed. Because there is a legal time limit that entails that a claim should be applied within the first three years of the diagnosis.

We often advise our clients to contact us as soon as possible. Because only then we can understand their case and how long they have to claim. 

Industrial Deafness Claims Procedure

Your industrial deafness claims procedure will begin when you hire a legal representative and inform them to begin the claim’s procedure. The legal expert will contact your employer based on the evidence provided by you.

The main focus would be to prove that you lost your hearing because your employer was negligent.

In a perfect scenario, your hearing loss compensation will be settled in the initial few meetings. That meeting will be between your legal expert and the employer’s legal team. However, if this does not happen, your case will be advanced to court. Then the court will determine what you are due from your employer.

Based on the medical, employment records, and witness statements, your solicitor will fight on your behalf to prove your case. When proven, you will be awarded compensation which will represent the physical and financial loss you suffered due to your loss of hearing.

To know more about noise-induced hearing loss claims, contact us right here. You can also schedule an appointment and share your queries with our experts free of cost.